Polaroid Community: Chae

In the years since graduating from the hyper-interconnectedness of university life, I have noticed that finding a sense of community has become increasingly difficult. Around the same time, I turned my photography into an official business, and consequentially, began consistently posting my images on social media. Incredibly positive comments started to come in from others who also shared a fascination with Polaroid film. As I fostered new friendships, I noticed that many of these enthusiasts followed each other’s online accounts. My supportive group of artistic positivity was growing!

Feeling the need to share this experience with everyone, I decided to dedicate a series of blog posts to artists who have felt blessed by the ever-growing community of Polaroid users.

Today we meet Chae, a true original who uses a plethora of techniques and mixed media to fully explore the possibilities of Polaroid film.

Gold acrylic paint on Polaroid i-Type film

Gold acrylic paint on Polaroid i-Type film

A Glass Brightly: Hello Chae, thank you for sharing your experience. Thinking about the first time you discovered the community behind Polaroid photography, what stood out to you?

Chae: In all honesty when I bought my first Polaroid camera (a One Step+) back in September of 2020, I had no idea there was such a huge and active community behind it. So what a surprise I had when I posted my first picture on Instagram! It was my first try at double exposure. I used a few hashtags, thinking only my close friends would see it, but was I wrong! In a matter of a few hours, I got hit by a wave of kindness and support from total strangers. And THIS is the exact moment I discovered the Polaroid community.

A year has passed and my point of view is still the same: Positive, cheerful and motivating is what describes this community the best.

Paint and glitter on Polaroid 600 Round Frame film

Paint and glitter on Polaroid 600 Round Frame film

AGB: So you’re relatively new to instant photography, and yet you fit right in. Do you feel like being a part of this community has had an effect on your art? And how have you impacted the community (or other individuals) in turn?

CH: This community really pushes me to think outside the box, to realize it can be more than "just a picture," and it helps me to get the best out of myself. And because I can be really hard and critical with my own work, interacting with other Polaroid enthusiasts and getting their feedback often makes me understand I should take it easy and be more faithful in my creative ability.

Long exposure and light painting on Polaroid i-Type film

On the other hand, I think it is quite hard for me to affirm or realize if I concretely impacted the community. But I'm always happy to get DMs asking for tips about long exposure, double exposure or acrylic painting on Polaroid, it means that my work somehow inspired people to try new things and it really matters to me.

Community is about sharing, so I hope I can give back as much as it brought me.

Woven Polaroid i-Type film

Woven Polaroid i-Type film

AGB: It sounds like you really are making an impact if people are coming to you for advice. I think a lot of people are timid about reaching out, especially if they are new. How would you suggest newcomers interact with the community?

CH: Just be yourself, don't be afraid!

I know it can be intimidating, especially as a beginner, but I believe that most of us are always down to answer questions or help you out with some advice. For example you can use Instagram, Flickr or some forums online to get in touch with the community.

Just remember that if we are here it's because we share the same interest in Polaroid as you do.

You can find Chae on Instagram: @chae.ha

Double exposure on Polaroid 600 film

Double exposure on Polaroid 600 film